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J2EE Data Center Management Solution

myEvolution, a J2EE Hosting Platform, can be licensed by corporations as a J2EE data center management solution. The benefits of the myEvolution technologies that allow Evolution to offer the industry's leading J2EE Hosting Services are equally valuable to organizations that wish to simplify the management of Enterprise Java Applications internally.

myEvolution can be fully branded and includes a configuration engine, administration site, and the myEvolution Hosting Control Center. Together, it allows system administrators, developers, and managers to collaborate in the application life cycle.

Other capabilities of myEvolution include automatic environment configuration, browser-based application deployment, and real-time reporting. All of this functionality lies behind a simple user interface. Quickly recreating environments or moving applications to new servers can now be accomplished in an elegant fashion.

Leading J2EE products are preconfigured in myEvolution including the BEA WebLogic Server, Oracle 9i Application Server, Orion Server, and the Apache Tomcat JSP/Servlet engine. Industry-leading databases are also integrated including Oracle 8i, MS SQL Server 2000, PostgresQL, and MySQL.

A full product datasheet is available .../here .

For more information on the myEvolution platform, please contact the .../sales team .

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